Wednesday 31 August 2016

Gallifrey to Trenzalore #19: Brief Encounter: Playtime by Vanessa Bishop

Doctor Who Holiday Special 1992
"Brief Encounter: Playtime"
Written by Vanessa Bishop
Illustrated by Brian Hudd
Published: August 1992
Read: 23rd February 2016


Alas, we reach the end of our two-week journey into the pre-An Unearthly Child era. It has been quite the adventure and I'm glad I got my hands on the complete Short Trips collection before I progressed too far into the marathon. We've had some brilliant adventures, with my favourites being "Indian Summer", "The Price of Conviction" and Hunters of Earth.

That's not to say that we won't someday return to this era. After all, Big Finish are releasing dozens of stories a year and it's only a matter of time before The Companion Chronicles or perhaps even The Early Adventures return to this era.

Before we return to the adventures of the First Doctor, Susan, Ian and Barbara we pay one more visit to 76 Totter's Lane on the very evening that this whole adventure began. Only this time, our story involves a young girl named Sarah Jane Smith.

Sarah Jane is on a day trip to London with her Aunt Lavinia when she gives her carer the slip and stumbles into I.M. Foreman's Scrapyard: a perfect playground. Even at the age of twelve, Sarah Jane has decided she wants to be a journalist and decides to practise her interviewing technique on the creepy shop window dummy propped up in a corner.

Quickly realising that there will be hell to pay when her aunt captures up with her, she makes a dash for it, but not without noticing the rather large police box. As she makes it back to her Aunt Lavinia, Sarah notices a car pull up and another girl entering the Scrapyard and mutters to herself: "Oh, that's not fair. Why is she allowed the adventure?"

One wonders what will become of this Sarah Jane Smith and whether she'll get to have an adventure of her own.

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